Just a quick update about the core spanning tree – – 06/02/2019
As communicated out to customers last week via email, we’re doing some Spanning Tree updates within the core network of the Sheffield Data Centre this morning starting at 06:00, with a planned finish before 06:50.
Work will involve removing two legacy core switches,one in Unit 7, the other in Unit 9. Also we’ll be increasing the interlink between the buildings from 10Gbit to 20Gbit. As we complete the work, Spanning Tree will most likely fail over paths a couple of times, so customers may see* a few seconds disruption a couple of times.
*May see – it depends what switch you connect too, not all customers will see a path change.
It’s planned – for all you customers out there who like to tell us when there’s been a blip, you don’t need to today 😉
UPDATE 07:30 – All work completed. We overran by a few minutes to 07:15, but all 34 switches that needed updating are done, and the old core switches (not carrying customer ports) have been removed. As a bonus, the 2nd 10Gbe link between the 2 buildings is complete.
For any other updates from us you can visit the Latest News page on our website.