Sheffield Data Centre FAQ's
General FAQ`s
Q. Are you affiliated or in partnership with any other local Data Centre?
A. No. We are totally seperate from any other local Data Centre or hosting provider.
Q. What does "Tier 2" mean?
A. Data Centres are measured in Tiers, with simple computer rooms with no redundancy being Tier 1, and Data Centres used by large telcos and global corporates as Tier 4. We are not officially accredited, however we operate to the standards of Tier 2 - meaning we have redundancy for power, carriers, air handling units etc...
We're able to offer a higher level of redundancy and service than cheaper simple colocation facilities.
Q. Where is the Data Centre?
A. We are located in S20 (South East Sheffield), just over 7 miles outside Sheffield City Centre, and just over 5 miles from J31 of the M1.
Q. We`re planning a Data Centre migration - can you help?
A. Absolutely! We`re able to assist with all aspects of the migration, from planning to the physical move to post-migration support services. Contact us for more information.
Q. What about the flooding in Sheffield?
A. We're located away from the areas affected by the flooding in 2007. Our location is cited as not at risk by the Environment Agency of "Flooding from rivers or sea without defences", and not at risk from "Extent of extreme flood". We're also located towards the top of a hill!
Q. Do you have Generator backup?
A. Yes, with automatic failover. The generator holds enough Diesel for 8 hours operation, with fuel refill agreements in place.
Q. What SLA do you realistically offer?
A. 99.95%
Q. If I have a "2U slot", can I install 2 x 1U servers?
A. No - a 2U slot is for a single 2U device, as a 3U slot is for a single 3U device etc... Rack space is priced according to power and airflow, as well as physical space - therefore a "slot" is only priced to accomodate a device of that size.
Network FAQ`s
Q. What options for bandwidth charging do you employ?
A. Bandwidth is charged on either a Inclusive Allowance method, or you can have dedicated bandwidth from 10Mbit up to 500Mbit.
Q. How many IP addresses can I have? Can I have more?
A. You get 1 IP address for a Cloud server, 2 IP addresses for a single server, a block of 4 with a quarter rack, 16 with a half rack, or 32 with a full rack. If you require more these are avaialble for an extra charge. Please note bulk allocations may require justification to RIPE.
Q. Can I bring my own data circuits into the Data Centre?
A. Of course! All telco circuits are terminated in our dedicated comms racks, however if you wish we can have fibre or copper redirected to your own rack. You're able to have your own LES, MPLS, internet, ADSL etc... terminated with your kit. You are responsible for all costs associated with the circuit.
Security FAQ`s
Q. How secure are the racks?
A. Each rack is secured by seperate keys front and back (some racks now have combination locks). All access to the building is via keyfob with "airlock" style doors. All access is logged and checked daily. CCTV both inside and outside the building is constantly recorded. Alarms and Access Control is monitored by AMCO.
Q. Will I have 24 hour physical access to my servers?
A. Yes if you have your own half or full rack. We will issue you copies of rack keys and a keyfob. If you have a server in either the shared racks or tower cabinets access is by prior arragement during office hours. Emergency access is available via callout for a charge.
Q. Do you offer firewall services?
A. Yes - All internet services are presented raw from our gateways. We can provide a Managed Firewall and separate VLAN for your servers, maintained by us. You are of course free to install your own firewall and switches with your servers.