What Sized Colocation Rack is Right for You?
Thinking about getting started with Colocation? It can be a little daunting with so many options available, especially if you’re in the ‘in-between’ rack sizes stage.
We’ve put together a quick guide to Colocation sizes, based off our own Colo racks. Bear in mind that different Data Centres will use different Racks, which can come in slightly different sizes! However, the general thought process will be the same across the board!
1U Single Server Colocation
As the name implies, this is based around giving a Data Centre a single server to store. A standard server will be 1U in size. Typically, these are stored in shared racks – so you and other customer’s servers will be kept together. This is one of the reasons that single server colocation is often fairly cheap.
You can usually have any number of single servers stored in this way, and up to a certain point, this is the cheapest and best option. This changes when you start to approach the point where it would be better to get a rack.
- Easy to scale up, keep adding more servers are you need them
- At a smaller scale, this is the cheapest and best option
- Shared server housing
- Up to 2 Amps of Power
- Free office hours access – available out of hours at a charge
- £40/server
For those who have anywhere between 1 – 6 servers. Any more than that and it could be time to consider upgrading to a Quarter Rack to support future growth.
10U Quarter Rack Colocation
This, unsurprisingly, is a quarter of a full rack. Ours can fit in the equivalent of 10 single servers.
The ‘breakpoint’ of where it is more expensive to have single servers than a Quarter Rack, at least for us, is 8 Servers. At this point, you’d be paying more for the same space. Besides, you also wouldn’t be experiencing any of the additional benefits of Quarter Racked Colo. One of the biggest being your own, separated, lockable rack.
- Can fit in 10 single servers for the price of 8
- Your individual, lockable rack
- 24/7 access to your rack
- Up to 8 Amps of power
- Remote hands support
- Customise your rack, add your switches or anything else you need
- £325
For those with 7 -10 servers or those with slightly less (6/7) but are anticipating growth for the future.
21U Half Rack Colocation
Half Racks work in the same way as the Quarter Racks, just on a larger scale! As with most things, when you buy at a larger scale, you experience cheaper prices – Colo is no exception. A half rack is cheaper than 2 quarter racks.
In our half racks, you can fit in the equivalent of 21 single servers (which would cost you £215 more to do individually)! As with the other racked colo, you get 24/7 access, remote support and your rack.
- Fit in 21 single servers for the price of 15
- Your individual, lockable rack
- 24/7 access to your rack
- Up to 16 Amps of Power
- Remote hands support
- Customise your rack, add in any switches or anything you need
- £625
For those with a larger number of servers (10 -21), or potentially slightly less (8/9) if you have plans of upgrading/future growth. Even with the lower end of around 10, you could also use the room for incorporating your switches to create local networks between servers.
45U Full Rack Colocation
A full-sized rack, which can fit in the equivalent of 45 single servers in! Full Rack Colocation works out cheaper than any other option – if you need that sort of scale of course!
Getting the equivalent in single servers would cost you almost twice as much! The same benefits apply as the other two racked colo hosting options.
- Fit in 45 single servers for the price of 24
- Your individual, lockable rack
- Up to 32 Amps of Power
- Remote hands support
- Customise your rack, add in any switches or anything else you need
- £950
For those with a lot of servers! If you currently have a half rack and are approaching the 20-server mark, and the growth looks to continue – it could be time to consider upgrading to a Full Rack. This gives you more than double the capacity, supporting your growth easy!
To find out more about our Colocation, click here.
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